Change is a-coming

Journey of an unawakened soul
2 min readApr 18, 2024

It’s so odd that sometimes you can feel change coming from really far away. It feels to me like standing at the end of a long highway and staring into the dusty, shimmery distance a truck the size of a marble is barreling towards you, but still a bunch of kilometres away.

Photo by Diego Jimenez on Unsplash

I feel this viscerally and although it gives me joy to think of new adventures on the horizon, I am unclear, where, who, what I even want to do next. It’s hard to stay in the magic of uncertainty when my brain is scrambling around in the dirt, falling into a dark hole, but frantically trying to grab a hold somewhere before it falls.

The advantage of having been on this planet for a while is that you see patterns. Journaling through my life I remember times where I felt stuck and directionless — in a void. But then see how it transformed my life into something better and truer to myself. So on a deep level I know this to be true. The work then is staying as far as possible in a state of trust and calming and soothing the mind. The scared frightened child that hates the new and the uncertain.

So when you sniff that change in the air and cane feel it barrelling towards you take comfort in the fact that this has happened before. It will all be ok and will all work out for your highest good. And try to calm the ever anxious inner child that you will keep them safe whatever happens.

Love and strength xoxox



Journey of an unawakened soul

This is me - Catherine Dooner - and my journey through chaos to peace as an unawakened soul.