How to find your purpose

I have spent a lot of time ruminating on purpose on what that means for my life. Finding a singular purpose in life and conversely the fear that if you don’t you are missing the whole point of your life, can be scary and crippling.

Photo by Katie Drazdauskaite on Unsplash

So what if our purpose is multifold — that we have many purposes or variations of our purpose — over a lifetime. What if we have a purpose at 27 which is different to our purpose at 57?

Either way, I think the goal is to just be yourself and be present and the rest will reveal itself to you in its own timeline.

Doing the work, and releasing fear and blocks that hold you back will, in time reveal your next step.

So friend, take one step at a time and let your purpose for now reveal itself.



Journey of an unawakened soul

This is me - Catherine Dooner - and my journey through chaos to peace as an unawakened soul.