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The time when your new beginning will mean another ending…

Journey of an unawakened soul
2 min readNov 20, 2023


A year ago I started my own Surrender Experiment (see a book by the same name by Michael Singer). I decided to surrender the wheel and follow the calling of the universe.

At the time it was clear to me that the job I had at the time had come to a conclusion, but I was not sure what was next. I had promptings to do a variety of things: Writing, public speaking, coaching, helping others and public speaking opportunities started to come. Seemingly out of nowhere. I promised I would accept opportunities that came my way — even outside of my comfort zone and I did. I am three conferences in right now, joined toastmasters and am really enjoying public speaking on communications to a variety of audiences.

Knowing that I needed income while I fully formulated this idea, I looked for other jobs and on my birthday this year I was offered a new position, which I accepted. I was really excited for a change. I started the job two weeks ago. It’s a great position, with a lovely team. I should be really happy.

But truth is — I am not. This role is fun but it’s not my calling — it’s just a detour. An interesting detour that serves my current energy, but is a detour. This is not my ultimate destination and accordingly it feels a little off.

So what to do? I have to keep my eye on my vision and spend time building that. I also have to trust that the right opportunities will come up as a great surprise that will blow my own limited thinking out of the water — pulling me to my purpose.

Progress is not always a straight line. Sometimes you have to take a detour or two to get there and remember — that is ok.



Journey of an unawakened soul

This is me - Catherine Dooner - and my journey through chaos to peace as an unawakened soul.