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What to do when your manifestation doesn’t show up

Journey of an unawakened soul
2 min readApr 18, 2021


I had an interesting week. I have been meditating regularly and felt very in the flow after a long period where I have been feeling quite stuck. I have been going through what is termed a ‘dark night of the soul’ where lots of my personal junk was coming to the surface to be dealt with. Let’s put it this way — if your life was a movie, this part would not be represented by comedy.

A few weeks ago, I had an intuitive impulse while walking the dog that what I needed, while I am working towards my goal of writing a book, was a ‘middle job’. Something that would bridge where I am now to where I want to be. This middle job would provide some extra income but more importantly a whole lot of learning. I was excited.

A week later I saw the perfect thing. It was a digital copywriting job for an up-and-coming spiritual teacher on YouTube. It was an opportunity to grow into a field I love — personal development. It was low commitment (a few hours a week) and would also provide some extra income.

I applied on a whim. I got an interview — it went well. They seemed great — everything seemed to be flowing. I got an intuitive impulse, I followed through, the universe provided an opportunity. I felt like I was in the universal magic flow of things once again.

Except — last Thursday I found out I didn’t get it.

On the surface my ego was a little crushed by this, but going deeper, I realized I was strangely ok. My overwhelming feeling however was curiosity. What was that all about then? What was the universe trying to tell me here?

What was even more confusing is that after the rejection email I saw synchronicities everywhere — like EVERYWHERE. I haven’t had that in a long time. Say what universe? I am not picking up what you are putting down.

I find that manifesting is inherently complex sometimes — and I remind myself that the universe knows better than I. After a few days sitting with it I have some theories.

Perhaps this opportunity meant that I was headed in the right direction, but it wasn’t the exact right one. Maybe a bigger and better opportunity is on its way and this was the warm up. Or maybe something bigger and better will pop up with this team.

I will keep you posted — but right now I am very curious what all this meant and how this will unfold.

Has anyone else experienced this with their manifestations? What was the outcome for you? I would love it if you could share any experience you have had, or any advice, in the comments.



Journey of an unawakened soul

This is me - Catherine Dooner - and my journey through chaos to peace as an unawakened soul.